I can not get enough of this little girl. Everything she does is so unbelievably adorable. And even the unglamourous things seem to be comical at times. This morning, all she wanted to do was to blow bubbles at me. Over and over again she would laugh and drool and make bubbles. Then the last couple of times I have attempted to go somewhere, I buckle Addison into her seat, load everything up, get into the driver's seat, turn the car on and then I hear "it". Its time for a diaper change and we haven't even left the house yet. So out of the seat, change her diaper, back into the seat and then away we go. Today it took me 3 hours to go 2 places. 20 minutes of that time was sitting in the car nursing before we could go into Costco. Then there is the spit up all day long, all over her, all over me, in my hair, on my shirt, doesn't matter where. The true glamor of being a mom. All I can do is laugh.
Addison has also decided that the world is way too interesting to sleep, and has a very difficult time taking a nap during the day, which of course leaves a tired and cranky baby in the evening time. And no matter how exhausted I feel (as in now because I was up with little missy last night at 2 am) I don't think I would give anything up for all the moments that I get to be with her and see her explore the world. It is absolutely amazing to watch her look at things. For example, tonight she was interesting in the features on my face. She first tried grabbing at my mouth and then my nose and finally my eye, which was very fun. She also watches her own hands move as if they were not attached to her body. When she does something so cute and adorable, I am always wishing there was someone here to share in that joy and see that experience she has. Babies are just simply amazing and I feel totally blessed to have Addison and be able to experience it all along with her!
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