Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So now it is the waiting the game. This is surely the test of my life when it comes to patience. Hormones have been all over the place and been trying to find ways to occupy my time and find distractions. Went to the doctor yesterday and things are progressing. The doctor stripped my membranes (which is basically stretching out the cervix) and resulted in some other fun things which I will spare the details. She could arrive at any time and hopefully it is sooner than later. I am very well read up in all the methods to bring labor on naturally and have tried most of them with little success. I can tell that K is anxious as well and unfortunately for him has to put up with me. He has been working a lot, which is good in the long run, but leaves me home by myself waiting. As for now the waiting game continues!

1 comment:

  1. So are we...I have been thinking about you guys every day and CAN NOT WAIT for her to come! Everything will be AWESOME! I'm sure the delivery will go smoothly! I love your belly pics by the way. They are super cute!
