Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Happy Father's Day

Well I hope that everyone had a great weekend and all the daddies had a good father's day. We spent the day going to mass in the morning, where the priest brought all the father's up to the alter and had a special blessing, then relaxing and in the afternoon going to my dads and mimi's house for a yummy dinner. The week has been going well since as well. We are getting more into a routine and learning to get things done in between the small window that we have between feedings, or at least I am. K is still doing fantastic and very excited to change diapers and help in anyway. I am learning to get by on little sleep and function normally. Here are some pictures from a little photo shoot we did on Sunday for Father's Day...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Mom's First Day at Home

Well today is the first day K went back to work and mom is on her own. Addison slept well last night in her bassinet after we finally gave in and gave her a pacifier. She came out of the womb wanting to suck on something constantly, if she is not feeding, she is trying to put her whole fist and fingers in her mouth. I think the pacifier was just enough to sooth her to go to sleep in her own bed (this has been a challenge because she wants to be held and close to you constantly.) So far the day has gone well, Addison slept in her swing while mom was able to take a shower and get a few things done. It was great! I can't believe how much she is already starting to change and grow. I can see now how everyone says they grow so fast. I don't think I have ever experienced something so wonderful before. My wedding day comes close, but I feel that our baby girl is just an expansion of that day and our lives growing together. It is hard to believe Addison is a part of me and K together. I don't know how anything else could be so wonderful.
Dinner at friends

Last night our good friends, Paul and Shannon had us over for dinner and a movie. It was sooo nice to get out of the house and get some different scenery. Addison and Allison also had a chance to have some bonding time as the daddies changed their diapers. Thanks Paul and Shannon for a yummy dinner and a good time out of the house!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Day 5
Our lives with Addison are adjusting, but have been a little difficult the last few days. Addison's billirubin levels have continued to stay up and went up a little yesterday. As a result, she has to be under the light therapy all the time. This translates to someone holding her 24 hours to make sure the light is on her. We call her our little glow bug. While this has been our biggest challenge, she still amazes us every moment and her personality is starting to shine. She has a wide array of facial expressions and movements, some of which were even evident on the ultrasound while she was in the womb. K and I can not get over how much love we have for her and how you can just sit and stare for hours.
We want to thank everyone for all their love, support and prayers, Addison is sure loved by many already!
We want to thank everyone for all their love, support and prayers, Addison is sure loved by many already!
Friday, June 12, 2009
The first hurdle...
Day 2 at home and things are going alright. We visited the pediatrician today and found out that our sweet little girl's billirubin levels of jaundice have raised. This was not the news I wanted to hear. I am sure that this will be the first hurdle of many in the life to come. In order to treat the jaundice, she must remain with a light on her chest at all times. While this breaks my heart to see, I am hopefully that this will soon past. Please help us pray for our new little one that this hurdle is over soon.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
For all the anxious out there....no news yet. K and I are very anxious, but have no idea when our little one will make her entrance. I think I have tried just about everything on the list to induce labor, but no such luck. I guess there is meaning to the phrase "the baby will come when they want to come". If anyone has any ideas or knows anything to try, please send them my way. Anyways, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and doing something fun and enjoyable.
Friday, June 5, 2009
So Tuesday afternoon I started having contractions and they continued through the night and the next day. I waited and when they were about 5 minutes apart, we decided to go to the hospital. Once there they hooked me up to a monitor and 2 hours later was sent home and told to go home and eat and rest and that I would probably be back within 24 hours. Well, its been almost 48 hours and my contractions have decreased. So the waiting game continues. Now I am trying to do all that I can to distract myself from the waiting game. I cleaned the entire house yesterday including getting on my hands and knees to do all our wood floors (my back is realizing now that it probably wasn't the smartest idea), but now it makes me feel better that our house is clean.
There' s the latest in the waiting game, hope everyone is having a good week!
There' s the latest in the waiting game, hope everyone is having a good week!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
So now it is the waiting the game. This is surely the test of my life when it comes to patience. Hormones have been all over the place and been trying to find ways to occupy my time and find distractions. Went to the doctor yesterday and things are progressing. The doctor stripped my membranes (which is basically stretching out the cervix) and resulted in some other fun things which I will spare the details. She could arrive at any time and hopefully it is sooner than later. I am very well read up in all the methods to bring labor on naturally and have tried most of them with little success. I can tell that K is anxious as well and unfortunately for him has to put up with me. He has been working a lot, which is good in the long run, but leaves me home by myself waiting. As for now the waiting game continues!
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