The Traveling Girl!

K, Addison and I visited San Luis Obispo last week and found ourselves missing it very much. We traveled there to do some work on the rental and to see our friends that lived up there. It was a very busy 4 days with not a lot of down time, but that is alright, we got to spend some wonderful time with some great people. Addison did well traveling and slept well the first 2 nights in the hotel. The third she decided she wanted to be a night owl and stay up all night. It was Friday night, so she probably wanted her mommy to re-live her younger days of being up late on the weekends. :) Addison is still very demanding when it comes to wanting to eat. When driving, she did not care whether there was a good place to pull over or not, she wanted to eat now. We managed and I think she will some be a traveling expert (or at least we hope).
This is Addison's way of helping out while her Mommy and Daddy work on the house, (playing around).

While in SLO, I had my first feeling of being a terrible mother. K and I were getting ready to head downtown to meet up with a friend for a beer and it was just about time for Addison to eat, so we thought we would feed her once we got downtown (a less than 5 minute drive). So, I loaded her in the car seat and she screamed her head off the entire time driving downtown. Once we arrived and K and I both got out and went to the backseat, Addison gave me the dirtiest look as if how dare I make her wait to eat. This was the first time I felt very guilty and had the thought that she thought I was a horrible mother. I fed her, and I am sure she was over it very quickly. I am sure this will be the first of many moments like this.
Thank you to all our fantastic SLO friends: Wes, Kit, Carley, Mike, Grace, Emma, Jacob, Hannah, Bill, Fran, Jenny for letting us visit and spend time together. And thank you to the Demboski's for letting us come and visit you in Santa Barbara, we really enjoyed our time together!
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