Friday, July 31, 2009
Addison at 7 weeks
Here are some pictures of the little one from the last week at 7 weeks old, she is growing so fast and definitely becoming one of her own. Hope everyone has had a great week. More pictures of Tahoe soon to come!

Hike to Emerald Bay
While in Tahoe, Addison experienced her first hike to Emerald Bay. It was a beautiful day and then the clouds rolled in and found us in a thunder storm. The way back up we treked through the rain, Addison had a great time because she was protected in her stroller all covered up. It was an adventure, but a beautiful place to visit.

The Corcoran family attempting to get a family picture.
Addison is posing in front of the waterfall on the way down to Emerald Bay.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Adventures with Grandparents
Double double

When you want some help and assistance why not choose double. My two fantastic helpers, Cassie and Shelby joined me the other day to help out and assist with the little one. Seeing how this girls have grown up so beautifully both inside and out is an inspiration. It is also hard to believe that I used to babysit them when they were born. Definitely makes me feel old :).
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Joys of Sleep
WOW, it is amazing how fantastic it feels when you are able to get some uninterrupted sleep. Addison has slept about 5 hours at one time at night the last 4 nights. I like to think that we are starting to get on a schedule. She is going to bed at 10 and then waking up at 2:30 or 3:30 and then going back to sleep till around 6:30 or 7:30. I can't believe how much more rested I feel. I pray that this continues and maybe will even get a little longer.
Addison is now about 6 and 1/2 weeks old and growing like crazy. She is smiling more and more and very interested in her surroundings. I have noticed though this past week that she is becoming more of a "Mommy's girl" . She used to not mind other people holding her that she was unfamiliar with, but now she cries and wants mom. It is very nice to be wanted, but hopefully she will also allow mom to have a break sometimes :).
We are packing up and getting ready for our big travels. We go to Lake Tahoe next week for a family reunion and then off to Oregon. The challenge is to pack enough things and clothes for the little one and myself :).
Addison is now about 6 and 1/2 weeks old and growing like crazy. She is smiling more and more and very interested in her surroundings. I have noticed though this past week that she is becoming more of a "Mommy's girl" . She used to not mind other people holding her that she was unfamiliar with, but now she cries and wants mom. It is very nice to be wanted, but hopefully she will also allow mom to have a break sometimes :).
We are packing up and getting ready for our big travels. We go to Lake Tahoe next week for a family reunion and then off to Oregon. The challenge is to pack enough things and clothes for the little one and myself :).
Monday, July 20, 2009
SLO Town

The Traveling Girl!

K, Addison and I visited San Luis Obispo last week and found ourselves missing it very much. We traveled there to do some work on the rental and to see our friends that lived up there. It was a very busy 4 days with not a lot of down time, but that is alright, we got to spend some wonderful time with some great people. Addison did well traveling and slept well the first 2 nights in the hotel. The third she decided she wanted to be a night owl and stay up all night. It was Friday night, so she probably wanted her mommy to re-live her younger days of being up late on the weekends. :) Addison is still very demanding when it comes to wanting to eat. When driving, she did not care whether there was a good place to pull over or not, she wanted to eat now. We managed and I think she will some be a traveling expert (or at least we hope).
This is Addison's way of helping out while her Mommy and Daddy work on the house, (playing around).

While in SLO, I had my first feeling of being a terrible mother. K and I were getting ready to head downtown to meet up with a friend for a beer and it was just about time for Addison to eat, so we thought we would feed her once we got downtown (a less than 5 minute drive). So, I loaded her in the car seat and she screamed her head off the entire time driving downtown. Once we arrived and K and I both got out and went to the backseat, Addison gave me the dirtiest look as if how dare I make her wait to eat. This was the first time I felt very guilty and had the thought that she thought I was a horrible mother. I fed her, and I am sure she was over it very quickly. I am sure this will be the first of many moments like this.
Thank you to all our fantastic SLO friends: Wes, Kit, Carley, Mike, Grace, Emma, Jacob, Hannah, Bill, Fran, Jenny for letting us visit and spend time together. And thank you to the Demboski's for letting us come and visit you in Santa Barbara, we really enjoyed our time together!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Pretty in Pink
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Time Goes By
It is amazing how quickly the day goes by and how little I am able to accomplish that doesn't involve Addison. But I am not complaining, it is all wonderful. She is now a month old, and wow I can't believe how quickly time has flown by and how much she is growing. Everyday it seems she is discovering something new and making more and more sounds. This morning, when K left for work she was in her bassinet (a rarity) just "talking" away and having fun with herself. K thought it was the cutest and funniest thing, I just prayed she would go back to sleep, it was 5:30 in the morning and she was up every 2 hours to eat last night. She did go back to sleep for a little while until it was time to eat again of course.
I think I am finally starting to get adjusted and learning how to get things accomplished when I am by myself with her. We definitely have our moments and Addison's fussy times all seem to be when I really have to get something done or am trying to get dressed or getting ready to go somewhere. K was home the last 4 days and I think got a little taste of how things can be. Generally when he is home, it seems that Addison is a little angel and sleeps well and does great during the day and saves all her not so great times for when mom is home. Oh well, we love and adore her all the same, no matter what!
I think I am finally starting to get adjusted and learning how to get things accomplished when I am by myself with her. We definitely have our moments and Addison's fussy times all seem to be when I really have to get something done or am trying to get dressed or getting ready to go somewhere. K was home the last 4 days and I think got a little taste of how things can be. Generally when he is home, it seems that Addison is a little angel and sleeps well and does great during the day and saves all her not so great times for when mom is home. Oh well, we love and adore her all the same, no matter what!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
So it has been a little while since I last had a chance to post. It is amazing how quickly time flies by. This past week has been filled with lots of fun and busyness. Addison attended her first concert in the park last Thursday evening with Grandma Ono (my mom, a she calls herself) and Grandma Janet, and of course mom and did fantastic. We are looking forward to going again this evening with even more friends. Friday, Addison went to the doctor for her weight check, weighing in at 7lbs 11ozs. (by now I am almost certain she is over 8lbs, and growing like crazy). Saturday was a big day when K went to work and Grandma Ono and Mom went down to 2nd street for lunch and a nice stroll. Addison slept well in her stroller and only had one blow out that day on her cute little outfit. Blowouts seem to be a trend lately and tend to happen at least once a day. :). Sunday we attended church, and once again Addison slept through mass and was a perfect angel. Afterwards we had some friends over for coffee and some treats. K played in a softball game when they didn't have enough players and Addison is very proud of her daddy and and the catches in the outfield that were made. Sunday evening was spent at our good friend's and Addison's Godparents, Steve and Maria. Their kids got to hold the baby and had a great time playing with my big kid, K.
This week has gotten off to good start too. Monday, Addison and mom were home while K was at work and had a bit of a rough fussy morning, but was finished off nicely with the visiting and dinner with good friends, Patsy, Cassie, and Shelby. Grandma Ono was also over, as she is quite a bit, which we could not be more grateful for all her help and assistance!
Enough of our week, Addison is growing so quickly and changing, I can't believe it. The other morning she was imitating my facial expressions of sticking out her tongue, opening her mouth wide, and making a kissy face. It was the cutest thing ever. We have also started "tummy time", which Addison seems to enjoy for a little while. What is amazing is how she will kick her little legs and sometimes even move herself along. 3 weeks old and already on the go. She will also lift her head up. It seems like this past week, Addison has also become very aware and very curious of the things around her. She loves sitting in her bouncy chair on the table and staring at the light above, weather it is on or not. I think because it is a dark color she is able to see it very well.
We have also had some not so fantastic fussy moments, which seem to be pretty sort lived, but very dramatic. She is a little drama queen. For example, if I am feeding her and I take her off one side to burp her and then switch to the other side, you would think that the world had ended. Once on the other side, not a problem at all. The evening times seem to be her fussy time, but sometimes seem to be related to a gassy tummy. I try not to eat gassy foods, but it is tough because that includes all the veggies and fiber foods that I need to eat. All in all we are managing.
Well this was a nice long post, but I wanted to make sure all was updated. See below for some pictures from this past week. Hope everyone has a good rest of the week and has some good plans for the 4th. K will be at work for 3 days starting Friday, so our weekend will include hanging out with grandma Ono and whoever else makes it our way.
This week has gotten off to good start too. Monday, Addison and mom were home while K was at work and had a bit of a rough fussy morning, but was finished off nicely with the visiting and dinner with good friends, Patsy, Cassie, and Shelby. Grandma Ono was also over, as she is quite a bit, which we could not be more grateful for all her help and assistance!
Enough of our week, Addison is growing so quickly and changing, I can't believe it. The other morning she was imitating my facial expressions of sticking out her tongue, opening her mouth wide, and making a kissy face. It was the cutest thing ever. We have also started "tummy time", which Addison seems to enjoy for a little while. What is amazing is how she will kick her little legs and sometimes even move herself along. 3 weeks old and already on the go. She will also lift her head up. It seems like this past week, Addison has also become very aware and very curious of the things around her. She loves sitting in her bouncy chair on the table and staring at the light above, weather it is on or not. I think because it is a dark color she is able to see it very well.
We have also had some not so fantastic fussy moments, which seem to be pretty sort lived, but very dramatic. She is a little drama queen. For example, if I am feeding her and I take her off one side to burp her and then switch to the other side, you would think that the world had ended. Once on the other side, not a problem at all. The evening times seem to be her fussy time, but sometimes seem to be related to a gassy tummy. I try not to eat gassy foods, but it is tough because that includes all the veggies and fiber foods that I need to eat. All in all we are managing.
Well this was a nice long post, but I wanted to make sure all was updated. See below for some pictures from this past week. Hope everyone has a good rest of the week and has some good plans for the 4th. K will be at work for 3 days starting Friday, so our weekend will include hanging out with grandma Ono and whoever else makes it our way.
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