Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Addy starts School

First Day, she had to being her backpack!

Addy started Preschool 2 mornings a week and is becoming such a big girl!

Addison the Swimmer

On top of being a big sister, Addison has had a busy summer and start of fall. She has been taking swim lessons and is a true fish. In just three months, she can float on her back by herself, turn over, go underwater and collect toys, kick her meet and use her big arms. We are so proud of her and she is a true swimmer after her daddy's heart. Thanks to Mary, her swim instructor for all her time and patience working with Addy to allow her to excel with her swimming skills.


Our new little guy, Rylan has brought so much joy to our family. He is an easy going, calm, cuddly little guy who's smile and heart makes your heart melt. I can not describe how wonderful this little guy is and we are so blessed that he is ours. At 3.5 months old he smiles and laughs all day, puts up with his sister, and goes with the flow of our crazy lives. He loves to coo and "talk" and will give an expression where he raises one eyebrow that is the cutest thing ever. Here are some of my favorites from the last 3 months. of Mr. Rylan, our handsome man!

Addy's a Big Sister!

Rylan Connor was born on July 2nd and Addy's world was changed. She is no longer the only center of attention in our world, yet will always be our little character and little girl. Upon meeting Rylan, she was a little unsure of this new little guy, but soon warmed up to him and proceeded to give lots of kisses and wanted to hold him. Little did she know at that moment that he was here to stay. Addy appears to adore her baby brother and on a daily basis wants to hold and help out with him. On the other side, she is also the first to poke, pull his arm or leg and pounce on him. This must be the start of sibling rivery. We keep telling her that just to wait when he gets bigger and gets her back. Here are some shared moments of our two little precious angels together.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Motherhood of 2....So, if there is any indication from the lack of posts that might just start to describe it. On the other hand though, there is nothing better! Before Rylan was born, everyone said that having 2 children didn't just double the amount of work, but increased it exponentially. And I have to agree. While Addy gives us some sort of challenge everyday since she turned 2, plus the care of a newborn, it really all comes down to not having enough hands. I have gotten good at holding both of them at the same time though when they both seem to need some cuddling.

As much hard work at it is, the rewards are great too. I look at my Addy who is no longer a baby, but turning into a self-sufficient, independent little girl. Two years ago she was as old as Rylan and wow a lot can happen and change in that time. I look at Rylan, my sweet sweet little guy who loves to cuddle and is ultimately a very happy baby. His little smile and recently laugh just melt your heart away. And then when I see the two of them together, the feeling is indescribable! Addy gives Rylan a little kiss, wants to hold him all the time and attempt to rock him. We are still working on being gentle and minimizing moments of jealously, but overall we are doing good and adjusting.

With all that said, where did summer go? Could it really be September already? What happened to all my plans for summer, the beach (haven't gone 1 time), disneyland (never made it either), the park (got in a few times), playing in Addy's pool in the backyard (a handful of times), projects around the house (as if there is anytime for that), and visits to friends (minimally achieved). Although I can say we have achieved trips to Big Bear for a family reunion, Santa Barbara for the day, San Luis Obispo to get a whole lot of work done in a short amount of time, and the river (could it have been any hotter at 115 degrees?). In addition, Addy has taken swim lessons where she is excelling tremendously and just last week started her first day of preschool, K has continued with a special duty, making him work a whole lot, and I continuing to take my BCBA classes. There has not been much down time here for the Corcorans.

With all of theses adventures, I plan to share in more detail with pictures in the near future.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Photo Card

Giraffe Gallery Blue Baby Announcements
Shutterfly has 100's of personalized baby announcements.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rylan Connor Corcoran

Rylan Connor Corcoran born July 2, 2011 at 9:07pm, 7lbs, 14ozs, 19.5 inches long. We are so blessed!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Addy's New Room

In the midst of everything going on, Addy got a new big girl bed and room. She started out loving her big girl bed and still does, but it didn't take her long to figure out how to get out, and come out of her room. We have had a few nights of her standing at the edge of our bed at 3am, and I now get morning cuddle sessions in my bed about 6:30/7:00.  This is just another step in growing up into a big girl.

Waiting for Baby Boy

We have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new little baby boy. The room is ready and we are more ready then can be. Addy is excited to meet her new baby brother and loves to point to and kiss my tummy and say baby. When in baby boy's room, Addy likes to point out all the things waiting for his arrival....the bouncer, crib and clothes. We are very excited to meet him and can't wait for Addy to take on her role as big sister. I anticipate that she is going to be a big helper. She loves to take her own baby doll for walks, rock her to sleep and feed her. I am past my due date and looks like I have another stubborn one on my hands. He must just be too comfortable inside. Here are all the wonderful things that he has waiting for him.