Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2011. Addy spent the morning with her best friend Riley at Gymboree. Then that night, we had a yummy dinner of corn beef and cabbage at the Demboski house. A perfect day to celebrate the Irish.

 And the pre-celebration a couple days before with Uncle Dan and Aunt Laura

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our New Deck!

Last week, K completed the bulk of our new deck project. It has been a while since we have done a big project and I have forgotten how tiring and dirty things can get. the positive side is that it is mainly completed. We took the windows out of our bedroom and added a sliding glass door, opening up to an enclosed deck on the side of our house. This will also be the future spot of our spa and private retreat area. Of course, little Miss Addy was a great help to Daddy along with all the other hard working Corcoran's that were visiting for the week. Thank you to everyone for all their hard work and accomplishment! I can't wait to add the spa and complete the transformation!

Getting started

"Here you go daddy"
Checking the measurement

"will the spa fit?"

Break time with Mommy

Hanging out with my new panties

clean up time

"can I fly?"
Finished Product!

My Little Darling

Addy's Panties

Addy continues to amaze us everyday. For my birthday, my wonderful husband decided to schedule to get our taxes done, but that was alright, we got to spend the morning and lunch with my dad and Mindy. As a gift for Valentine's day, Addy got big girl panties with Elmo and princesses on them. She is now obsessed. From the moment she has gotten her big girl panties, she carries the bag around to different locations and takes them out of the bag, analyzing each one. She loves to show anyone that is interested as well. It is the cutest thing. It will be really interesting when we finally show her what they are actually for and how they go on. For now, we will keep them as a novelty to show off!

Addy and Lacy

Addy and her panties

Football star

Grandpa's motorcycle

trying out the new panties